- President: Sam Strömerstén, former CEO of Sidel Group
- Vice-President: Alessandro Merusi, CEO of CFT-Group
President & Vice-President:
The Association's Bodies
The Association’s bodies are:
- the Association’s Assembly (Assembly);
- the Executive Board (Board);
- the Secretariat;
- the Technical Committees (TCs).
The Assembly consists of all Member Companies and it’s attributions are notably the following:
- definition of subjects of common interest;
- approbation of the accounts, vote for the annual budget and approval of the annual membership fees for both Groups of Member Companies upon proposal by the Board;
- decision on the admission and exclusion of Member Companies;
- election of the Members of the Board;
- ruling on all fundamental questions pertaining to the functioning of the Association.
The Board is composed of the representatives of the member companies. The Board has the following tasks:
- convocation of the Assembly;
- execution of the Assembly’s decisions;
- definition of the subjects for the TCs and other research and development projects that fall within the purpose of the Association;
- designation and revocation of the TC members and of the person(s) that are to execute other projects;
- approbation of the TCs’ works and of other projects;
- supervision of the missions and the work executed by the TCs and of other projects;
- apportioning of financial contributions to the TCs and other projects;
- conferring the single signature to a member of the Secretariat regarding expenses to be paid from the bank account of the Association;
- elaboration of internal bylaws and other internal regulations;
- supervision of the day-to-day business.
The Secretariat takes care of the day-to-day business. In particular, it follows the Association’s projects and constitutes the central contact point for the Member Companies’ concerns.
Technical Committees (TCs) are created by the Board; the latter also defines their mandate. They are composed of representatives of Member Companies designated by the Board. They present their work to the Board on a regular basis. The Board has to approve their results before they are published”.
Dr. Pascal Rüedi, Secretary,
Antoine Vermeulen, Assistant to the Secretary
Bratschi Ltd.
Bahnhofstrasse 70
Postfach 1130
8021 Zurich / Switzerland
Phone +41 58 258 10 00
Fax +41 58 258 10 99